全球頂尖電商期刊《Journal of Electronic Commerce Research》在SSCI期刊上的影響係數高達4,副主編乃是本系教授。本系電商組的教授,一方面安排學生前往大企業實習就業,一方面也形成堅強的研究團隊,相互討論學術論文,並積極對外交流。
2025年春節剛過,銘傳資管系電商團隊就邀請國際電商領域的重量級學者,諾丁漢大學商學院副院長Martin Liu 來桃園校區與老師們交流討論,2/5早上11點並在S403教室做專題演講,歡迎本系研究生前往參加,共襄盛舉。
Futures of Digital Innovation Research that influences on Marketing Strategy: My Current Research
This presentation explores the influence of digital innovation research on marketing strategy, focusing on the evolution of digital innovation from its emergence in the 2000s to mature generative innovations in the 2020s. It highlights key research motivations, including scaling user bases and expanding business scopes for digital ventures. The study emphasizes rapid user base growth driven by flexible digital technologies, as well as the strategic extension of operations into new markets using versatile digital resources. Additionally, it examines infrastructure-led business model changes, showcasing how digital ventures leverage adaptable infrastructures for continuous innovation. The role of algorithm management is also analyzed, with a focus on human intermediaries bridging digital systems and users. Lastly, the presentation addresses limitations in current digital innovation research, such as the neglect of demand-side externalities and value imbalances, while proposing future directions for more comprehensive studies. This research provides both theoretical and practical insights into leveraging digital innovation for marketing strategy and business growth.